2019年杏盛學術前沿講座(21)-Large Scale Group Decision Making:Managing Group Hesitation



人:Luis Martínez  教授  the University of Jaén

主題名稱:Large Scale Group Decision Making:Managing Group Hesitation


Consensus reaching processes (CRPs) play an increasingly important role in the resolution of group decision making (GDM) problems: a solution acceptable to all the experts participating in a problem is necessary in many real-life contexts. The appearance of new requirements in GDM problems related to the group members involved due to new technology enablement, societal and technological trends, such as e-democracy and social networks, has provided a new trend in GDM as it is Large Scale Group Decision Making (LGDM). In these problems CRPs keep playing the same key role to obtain group acceptable solutions or even more important because agreed solutions are harder. Due to the fact that, in spite of the myriad of classical CRP models in the literature they have not shown themselves as a valid tool in LGDM because of different reasons. This talk aims at dealing with several different objectives.

Firstly, it is analysed the performance of classical CRPs in LGDM by using the Consensus framework AFRYCA. From such an analysis different objectives and challenges of CRPs for LGDM are pointed out Secondly, a comprehensive and adaptive CRP for LGDM based on hesitant modelling is presented. Eventually, some ongoing research and future directions will be pointed out to show that this topic will be a long term research trend.


時間地點🤙🏿👧🏽:2019531日下午300-430   地點👩🏻‍✈️:經濟管理學院335






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